$1,332.00 USD

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Sovereign Leadership

 Business Transformation with Simplicity, Soul and Sovereignty

What you'll get:
➢ 6 VIDEO RECORDINGS. One for each topic (40-50 min each)

➢ 18 SUPPORTIVE VIDEO RECORDINGS. Three for each topic (5-10 min each)



➢ Q&A


➢ 50% off a 60 min 1;1 session with Heather-book anytime

➢ $500 coupon to work with Heather in the future through Akashic Training or 1:1

➢ Concrete tools designed to support you in developing consistency and trust with yourself

Core Modules:

1. Attune to your Self- Desire: What you want wants you, Formulating a potent Sankalpa, Embody your Sankalpa through meditation and more.

2. Attune to your business- Know the Soul of your business- it is Sovereign just like you...,misalignments between your business and you, Attune to your business, with meditation and more.

3. Attune to your tribe- Who are your tribe members?, Navigating the resistance with the ego, Harmonize with your tribe through guided meditation and more.

4. Taking your tribe deeper- Art of attention, Clarity calls with potential tribe members, How to have money conversations and more.

5. Power- Aspects of your personal power, 3 buckets of alignment, Bridge your power and your business's power through meditation and more.

6. Money- Money as frequency not emotion, Money alchemy, Truth talk about money and more.

Access outside of the online program: My mastery is in supporting you in achieving your goals.  This is accomplished through applying my over 25 years of experience in yoga philosophy, meditation and akashic records. You have permission to contact me for clarification and questions via email [email protected].

What People Are Saying:

The Sovereign Leadership program has been a game changer. Heather's approach to spiritual leadership along with her toolkit and expertise has helped me to build a strong foundation for building my own business. Heather provides support on all levels while also encouraging and challenging her students when they are allowing fear to get in the way. The Sovereign Leadership program was engaging, challenging, supportive and provided a safe and loving container to play with all parts of myself and my business through the Akashic field. I cannot recommend this container enough for anyone who is looking to up level their life and purpose. I am so grateful for Heather and her incredible teachings.

Tish Meehan